I love articles like this one from Kerri Sackville from The
Age on the weekend.
We should all be as honest and reflective as parents. Kerri
talks about how she spoilt her third child and now regrets it. She has seen the
error in her ways and vows to make amends. We all make choices as parents and
sometimes we make them for the wrong reasons. Kerri sums this up in such a
frank and poignant way. It’s definitely worth a read.
This next article made me think about parenting teenagers.
It seems like a hard gig, I’m not looking forward to negotiating it.
It’s written by 19 year old Steph Bowe and gives advice from
her perspective about the mistakes parents make and what young people need from
their parents. I know it seems the world has changed a lot since we were
teenagers but I’m not sure teenagers have changed that much. They seem to want
the same things we did – time, love, understanding, someone to be there. I hope
I can remember that when I’m on the receiving end of irrational hormonal
screaming just a few years from now!