Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

The Fairies are Back

Last year I wrote a very excited post about a beautiful fairy toadstool that had popped up on my front nature strip. It was a proper red and white toadstool, the 'Enid Blyton' kind that features regularly in stories about fairies and pixies and goblins. We were so excited and very tempted to play fairies under our toadstool until some of my northern hemisphere readers pointed out just how poisonous this type of fungi is.

I thought it was a lovely, magical one-off kind of thing because these toadstools don't pop up much in this part of the world. So you can imagine my astonishment when this year, 13 toadstools appeared on my lawn.

Yes, it seems the fairy enjoyed her stay so much last year, she told all her friends and now we have fairy village just outside our front gate. Ok, I realise the one that was out there last year probably spawned and that's why we have so many this year, but I like the idea of the one little fairy that was here last year telling all her friends about the wonderful time she had outside our house and the beautiful happy energy that radiated from us and so all her friends have come to experience it to. That's a much nicer story and I'm sticking to it!

October PP - Growing Grass

I've been so busy lately, I haven't stoppped to tell you what I've written for Practical Parenting this month. It's an article about growing small patches of grass to include in imaginative play scenes.

I've done this loads of times with Kinder groups and my own kids and it really is a bunch of fun. If you get a chance, have a read and give it a go!

The Fairies Have Landed

It's not often I post two days in a row, but I just had to share this.

You know how we're always looking for treasures? Well, nature has landed a fabulous gift on our doorstep!

It's a real-life fairy toadstool!!!!!

In my all of my 30-something years, I've never seen a real one, have you?

It's very beautiful.

I'm tempted to host a fairy tea party underneath it .......