I've finally made my way back to my little blog after a long break. More about that later, I want to get straight back into sharing my ideas ......
If you've read my blog before, you might remember this post about a blanket my boy Ed uses for his cars. This blanket gets a big work out keeping all sorts of friends cosy. It's a regular inclusion in pretend play.

Well, I've had a go at making some of my own. Have you ever tried crocheting? It’s fun and relaxing and easy. I’m a little too impatient to knit or do any of those lovely things, but crocheting, I can manage.
I had a crash course from my visiting mother-in-law a couple of years ago, but I couldn't remember much of it, so I've re-taught myself through online tutorials.
I did make a small mistake of going to Spotlight with Ed and so now I have this basket of wool and a long list of toys to make blankets for with specific details about which toy will like which colour.
I have just started this one for little “toadie”
Would you like to make a blanket for some little friend in your house?WHO CAN MAKE THIS?
Anyone can have a go from about 8 onwards
A crochet hook
Some wool
A little basic crochet know-how
To make a blanket like the ones I have, you just need to crochet a giant granny square. I read my first tutorial from some links the lovely Pip shared at "Meet me at Mike's". It's really helpful if you can see the techniques in action, so it's definitely worth watching some tutorials.
My mother-in-law found a great print-out instruction sheet at Squidoo and this has been really useful to have alongside me as I'm working.
The best thing I've found though is to find someone who can show you what to do. There's nothing like sharing a cup of tea and going through a little square step by step.
Hope your little one's have as much fun with their blankets as mine do.
By the way, "everyday play" is finally on facebook. Come and "like"me, please ...
I am constantly knitting scarves but I must try this! :)