Tall Stories

Amanda (over at "HomeAge") has written a great post this week for the Childhood 101 "We Play" link up about a story her daughter told involving a make-believe cat who had gone missing. Her daughter made up stories about where he could have gone and even made some 'missing' posters to try and find him.

I am such a sucker for these sorts of stories. I just love the way a childs' imagination works and the novel, interesting details they put into their stories just make my heart sing.

My own boy was making up stories when we were all on holidays together. It seemed that while he had his dad to himself for a change, he wanted to fill dad in on all the ins-and-outs of the life of his favourite bear - Yarji.

Here are some of the wonderful facts he shared:

- Em is Yarji's mum and Ed is Yarji's dad
- Hamley (Em's bear) is his best friend
- He loves to eat nuts and apples
- He only drinks milk and boo-boo juice. Boo-boo juice is only for grey bears.
- He loves to make carrot soup. That's the soup he really loves. He doesn't like coconut soup or anything.
- He learnt to fly from a chicken (!!)

I've written these 'facts' down and I'm going to write them up on a sheet of paper, then print out some pictures of "Yarj" that Ed can cut and paste. It will be a custom-made Yarji fact sheet that I'm sure will be enjoyed for years to come. This is going to make a great addition to his "Learning Book"

What wonderful "Tall Stories" are being told by the kids you love? ....


  1. Thanks for popping by and following my blog...

    Am now your newest follower on your blog.

    As far as imaginative play, my sons have had their fair share of imaginary friends...here is a post from my blog about theirs:


    Think that your son would get along well with my two...

    Have a happy week,

  2. Thanks for thr link love, Belinda, made my day as I have a tired and grumpydaughter and a sick nephew on my hands (although they are playing nicely on the couch to the sound of H.R. Puffnstuff right now!) :)

    With Dad at work it would only seem right that he needed to know all about Yarji's life, and I love the idea of the fact sheet! I am sure Ed will love it, and it will be something special to look back on.

    And a Hennidge update .. seems he was somewhere on the RMIT University campus in Melbourne today. I guess he is looking up undergraduate courses .... :)
